Saturday 23 February 2013

I AM doing it!!

Yesterday I sat down to catch up on some blogs that I read. I was reading all about my friend’s husband and his recent success with his first fun run. While reading it I was thinking to myself WOW they are doing so well. Both my friend and her husband have turned their lives around, lost a massive amount of weight are getting fit and healthy and being the best possible role models for their children. Their blogs highlight that it is not an easy fix but it takes hard work every single day to keep the balance, I found myself thinking ‘gee I wish I could be like them and do what they’re doing’. It wasn’t until later in the day that I realised... I AM doing what they are doing, I AM being like them, I HAVE improved my eating habits I AM working on my fitness levels and I AM becoming a better role model for my children, They started their transformation 9 months before me so I WILL get to the stage they are at in their journey with hard work and dedication. I am at the beginning of my transformation, in 9 months time I will be able to blog about my great finishing time for fun runs, right now I can’t even run for a full kilometre but in 9 months time I will be able to finish Geelong run for the kids a 5km fun run, maybe the following year I will be one of those crazy fit people that enrol for the 12km??


Thanks Jules and Greg for inspiring me simply by trying to improve your lives xx

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