Saturday 16 February 2013

Welcome to the world of blogging

Not really sure how I go about starting this?? I am on a new journey in my life having recently joined up to the 12WBT program - round one for 2013. Some friends of mine have found that blogging helps them to keep honest about their journey. I find that I am more honest and communicate better when writing rather than talking, so here I am!

I am a mother of twin girls, I have an amazing supportive husband and I work full time managing a hotel front desk which means balancing my home life with some very crazy work hours.

I joined 12WBT after realising that I was not living a healthy life. I was eating OK but my portions were much too big, I never exercised and my clothes were getting tight! Before joining 12WBT I managed to lose 6.5kg on my own, my aim is to now get fit & healthy, find my ideal goal weight and stay there, and become a positive role model for my little girls

Pre season saw me eliminate coffee, alcohol (except for my friend’s wedding) and soft drink from my diet. This week I am a bit moody and headachy which is to be expected but I will push on and before I know it the headaches will be gone as will some bad habits

We have always been big on getting in the kitchen and making new recipes most days so following the meal plan for us has been great. We find child friendly meals for the weekends and get the girls involved in the cooking too. This afternoon we planted a new herb garden to keep up with all the fresh herbs the 12WBT recipes require. After mentioning to my husband that I wasn’t doing enough exercise he pushed me out of the house this morning to go and do some

True - but it helps that i have such great support too

I am looking forward to seeing what this round brings me; I know I have already started looking at food and exercise differently and I’m excited to see what the future holds 

Now off to figure out how to get all my pics etc uploaded J

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